Signal Leads Security Industry In Revenue-Growth

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When it comes to the all-important measure of financial performance, Signal (a franchise security services provider based in Omaha, NE, USA) has achieved a decade-long record of revenue growth which increased at five times the composite rate of similar security services businesses.  

Reed Nyffeler, founder and CEO of Signal said, “This financial performance came as the result of average year-over-year increase in revenue of 25.5 percent for the ten-year period from 2011 to 2021.  Signal experienced a 24 percent in 2021 on the heels of a 39 percent increase in 2020.”

In sharp contrast, a recent study of the security business sector compiled by Anything Research on security guard and patrol services found that growth in this sector averaged just five percent annually since 2016.

On the strength of its 28% average annual growth, Signal operating revenues reached $165 million in 2021.

The reason for this industry-leading growth is clear: Signal offers affordable and customized security solutions for property, personnel and other assets requiring protection. These services range from randomized roving vehicle patrols to dedicated services for events and other special needs.

“However, the core service offered by Signal is mobile patrols supported by the proprietary Edge technology platform which creates the industry’s most efficient and proactive service offering,” said Shelley Aikins, Vice President of Global Performance for Signal.  

As a franchise business, Signal’s domestic North American and international master franchise partners get the benefit of a rapid and effective start-up using a proven business model and a well-established support structure. 

The Signal business model has been particularly attractive to traditional security companies -- both in North America and internationally.

“Established security companies are increasingly seeing the obvious value in converting existing businesses and rebranding them as Signal security service providers,” Nyffeler said.  “This rebranding and implementation of the Signal business model positions them to share in the above average revenue growth experienced by our franchisees and master franchise partners.”

The need for the security services are universal. As a result, Signal is seeing rapid international growth using a master franchise model to expand. Signal’s master franchisees are now providing security services in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and – most recently – Germany.

 “We expect to open new markets in all major European countries within the next five years with an immediate focus on Switzerland, France, Austria, Spain, Italy, the Czech Republic while completing development of the German market,” Nyffeler said.  “Longer term, we are seeking franchise partners in Belgium, the Netherlands, the Scandinavian countries and Hungary.”



Signal is headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, USA. For further information on becoming Signal master franchisee, please call +1-402-960-3938 or email


April 21, 2022

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